The World-India Diabetes Foundation (USA) was established in June of 1999, during a meeting of people from USA, Canada, India, and Ireland in order to support research and education on diabetes among people of Indian origin. It has been registered as a charitable foundation. This organization will operate exclusively for charitable, scientific research and educational purposes relating to diabetes mellitus. Its headquarters of this organization will be in Rochester, MN, USA. Chapters of the WIDF are currently being organized around the world.
The World-India Diabetes Foundation (USA)
World-India Diabetes Foundation (USA) K. Sreekumaran Nair, M.D., Ph.D.,
Chairman WIDF Robert A. Rizza, M.D., Treasurer WIDF 200 First Street SW,
5-194 Joseph Rochester, MN 55905 USA
Phone: (507) 255-2415 / Fax: (507) 255-4828